Wednesday, October 28, 2015


- Abraham Lincoln created the secret service just hours before he was assassinated.

*wish Jack Baeur was der...America's finest!!

- Nigerian scammers once sold a fake airport to a major international bank for $242million, and the scam wasn't discovered till 3years later.

*Naija be breaking bad records everywhere.....smh

- Japan has a network of roads that play music as you drive over them at the correct speed.

*It will only happen here if the road spits money.

- In 1517, a nobleman offered to pay a corrupt catholic monk for an indulgence in order to pay for a future sin. The monk quickly agreed and granted it, but as he rode out of town, the nobleman attacked and beat him.
He then told the monk that was the future sin he had in mind.


Culled from weird facts


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