Monday, October 26, 2015


In my year one, I stayed in the hostel like most freshers, after my parents left me in the hands of extra strict guardians, so I didnt even think of staying outside school or eyeing the tush girls who stayed there.

After falling from my bunk twice and spraining my ankle, in addition to the toilet condition, you would see flies almost as big as butterflies with their loud buzzing that can drive you had to wake up as early as 4am to have your bath if you intend to meet a semi-clean toilet. Nobody told me twice to get an accommodation outside school...

I stayed with my friend...infact lets call it girls hostel. We were 5 girls staying in that single room. You can sleep on the floor or on the bed, depending on who got to it first, and the rule was, if you are on the bed, no pillow for you. You have to give it up for floor members.

Our compound was quite spacious, with many rooms rented out to students. In the evenings, we would keep mats outside and relax, and gist with neighbors till late into the night, before retiring to our various rooms. During Harmattan period in the North, its bloody hot in the day time, and chilly at night.

On this wonderful night, we were asleep. I was on the floor with another of my friend, two were on the bed and one slept out that night. We didnt bother locking the door because we needed the cool breeze, no be today NEPA start to misbehave.

I slept on the floor, the pillow to myself and my N600 under my pillow. Yes you read right!! That was all I had home and abroad. You know when you have finished your pocket money before time? And you dread calling your parents...ehen!! that was then.

I was sleeping peacefully, probably dreaming of you, when suddenly the pillow was dragged from underneath my head. At first I thought it was the normal prank of my friends, who, when they feel you are deeply asleep, "snatch" the pillow. I jumped up to possess my possessions, Lo and behold, I saw about 4 hefty men in our room!!!! I was even the only one that was still asleep because my roommates were awake but in shock!! 

I just jejely shifted far back to one corner of my room...beside my fellow floor member. They were holding heavy machetes and sticks, it was dark, so I had no idea whether they held guns too. They were asking for our phones, money and all. How that thief knew about the money under my pillow still shocks me. They collected my friend's gold wristwatch and jewelry, her phones and money. 

As for My friends on the bed, they collected their phones and were asking for money. One of them said she had no money, and I totally believed her. 

Strangely enough, the armed robber didnt, he gave her a resounding slap!!! Turned her around and removed the money from her trouser. How did he know there was money there?? He didnt search both pockets, just dipped his hand into the right pocket, removed the money and shoved her aside.

Now lets analyze this slap for a minute. You know that kind of slap that hits you and you start asking yourself questions and answering them all at once, thats what happened. My friend started asking this guy "oh, I had the money??", "ahh! Yes I didnt know it was there". 

You know, when I think of it now, it is freaking hilarious, but then we were freaked out!!

They now turned to me and asked for my phone, believe me my phone was in my bag!! I searched my bag and couldnt find it. I just kukuma give them the bag. They turned it upside down and nothing came out. And they left me...just like that. I was literally shaking like a leaf. 

They proceeded to enter our kitchen and carried my 10litres of original palm oil!! Chai!!, foodstuff!! Plus our shoes!! Broke a** thieves mehn!!

When they left, I checked my bag again, because I couldnt understand the magic about my phone. Imagine the phone just sitting in the inner pocket. I was soooo happy.

We now turned our attention to our friend! How can you lie to a machete welding thief that you have no money when you had some?? Is that how much you hate yourself?? Over how much?? 10k?? We were angry mehn!!

 A friend once told me, if an armed robber asks for your phone, remove your wristwatch and necklace and material thing is worth your life.

This reminds me of another incidence that happened in maiduguri. The victim's mother narrated this story to me in the market. I buy my fresh vegetables from her. 

She said her daughter was an undergraduate at the university, and was in her room off campus with her friends when thieves barged in. They asked for phones and money, and also said they were there to rob and not kill. And these guys had guns!!!! Everyone brought out their phones except her daughter, who told them her phone was missing. They picked up their loot and were about to leave when her phone started ringing in her pocket. The leader of the gang walked back to her and asked her if that wasnt her phone she lied about, and shot her in the head point blank!! She died.

I will never justify the actions of the thieves...may God punish them wherever they are!!! and may karma catch up with them already.

But when you come in contact with them, if ever, dont play samurai jack or rambo...drop it and let it go!!

Still on a thankful note today...for the gift of LIFE!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gosh!!! Must have been a dreadful experience! Thank God for His protection over you oh...Surely there shall no evil befall us...our covenant right in Christ!