Monday, November 2, 2015


- Although Donald Trump has described himself as an "ardent philantropist", he has only donated $3.7 million to his own foundation. In comparison, a wrestling company has given Trump's foundation $5million .
He ranks among the least charitable billionaires in the world.


- The fastest red card in soccer history was 2seconds. Lee Todd was sent off for foul language after he exclaimed "Fuck me that was loud" after the starting whistle.

- In 2012, the entire village of sodeto in spain won the lottery...... except for one guy.
*when your village people follow you go obodo oyibo.

- Mathematical proof that 1+1=2 takes 162 pages to explain in the three volume work "Principia Mathematica".
*phew!! Do I look like I care??

Culled from funfacts


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