Friday, November 6, 2015


- There is a woman named Marijuana Pepsi Jackson. She has never smoked and prefers orange soda.

*but some of you bearing Elijah Sermon on the mount Covenant, will go about smoking like chimney...issorite

- Unfaithful men tend to have lower IQs...

*sai!! No wonder they tell u, "oh beibei, you resemble familiar and your complexion is so simiLIAR" 
Should I continue?? You know yourself.

- Indonesian scientists have developed a male "birth control" pill, that has been proven 99.96% effective in clinical testing.

*if this elder brother of postinor 2 reaches Nigeria, the world will come to an end!!

- A lawyer in Toronto once tried to demonstrate the strength of the window in his high rise office by running straight into it.
The window didnt shatter but it did pop out of its frame and sent him falling 24 stories to his death.

*RIP sir again. Curiosity almost always kill the cat!!

Culled from funfacts


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