Monday, November 9, 2015


- A man named Walter SummerFord was struck by lightning 3 times in his life. After his death, his gravestone was also struck.
* A typical case of "the gods are angry"...looool

- Tom Cruise vandalized the world's tallest building in 2010. During filming of Mission Impossible 4, he climbed to the top of the Burj Khalifa (without safety equipment) and etched Katie Holmes' name into the Spire.
*If this is is blind, deaf and dumb!!

- The word "electrocute" is a combination of the words, electro amd execute, meaning you were killed by electricity. So if you dont die, you were not electrocuted, but shocked.
* I learn everyday.

- Clement Vallandigham, a lawyer who, while trying to demonstrate that the victim might have accidentally shot himself, shot himself and died. He then won the case.
*I jump and pass any funeral example

Did you know?? Is back!!!! 
Sorry about the break in transmission, it was due to circumstances beyond my control and I hope you forgive me....even you strange

Culled from funfacts


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