Saturday, November 14, 2015


I woke up very early that morning...was in a very foul mood. There is something about being makes you angry with anybody and anything for no good even get angry at your walls.

I was thinking of the handouts I had to buy, assignments I had to do. I started regretting all the rice, beans, plantain, egg and extra meat and orobo pepsi I had been enjoying at mama Jemila's place. What is this woman putting in her food that makes me spend all my pocket money there, now I am broke. I dare not call my dad... its just 18th of the Month, there's a reason its called monthly allowance.

When you are broke, you almost question yourself for having 82 heartbeats per minute instead of 81. I sighed and left my poor heart alone.

I glanced at my purse, one wrinkled N100 naira and two N50 was all I saw...only N200  left in my house!! Jesus is Lord!! How did this happen???

My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Mai ruwa (the water seller) outside. These guys push a barrow filled with about 10-12 gallons of water, they normally bring water every morning to our compound, and we buy each gallon at N20.

This morning, even his cheerful voice sounded very annoying to my ears. He greeted, "ah! Madam inakwana"...I answered grudgingly..Lafiya. On a normal "unbroke" day, I would have answered "Aboki na, Lafiya lou, ya Aiki??(translation- my friend, i'm very fine, how's work?), Putting my rusty hausa to use....but today, no mercy!! 

I proceeded to ask him why his containers were dirty, just imagine!! The man looked at me in shock, making feeble attempts to explain in his poor english, even reminding me that I have always bought water from him from these same gallons.

Brokeness brought out the dettol in me...this time it wasnt peakmilk. I lashed at him...and said I wasnt buying, that he should go and come back later in the evening with cleaner jerrycans. He promised to come back.

I am very sure I heard my empty drum in the corridor curse me....or maybe its just my hyperactive imagination.

I went inside and checked my phone, to see the last alert I received from GTB, if it held any hope for this broke "geh". I saw about N700 or so, but it wasnt up to N1000. I was determined to storm that bank and withdraw every last kobo!! I was out for bloooood!! As if I wasnt the cause of my predicament. Mtcheeew!!

I fetched water from my drum, for every scoop, I can swear i heard it curse me, but I gallantly bore my cross. I freshend up, really? Powder and lip gloss is freshened up??? Oriegwu!!

I got to GTB, and trust them to always have 50signboards and only one branch in a state. So the queue was massive..i didnt care...we will sleep inside this bank today.

Looking at the counter filled with "unsmiling" bankers counting monies that do not belong to them, I heard that pile of crisp N500 notes whisper my name, but no, I am humble, and will accept my N700.

I stood in the queue for almost 30mins, then it got to my turn. I didnt need ATM for this transaction, I was going to remove "efritin".

This banker, dark in complexion, very slim guy, gave me a piece of paper to write down my account number and how much I was withdrawing. With the biggest frown I could muster, I told him everything. He checked my balance and just started laughing.

I dont mean these small giggles...loud heavy laugh...ohh!! I wanted the floor to just bury me....all of a sudden, the whole thing became funny to me...and I started laughing too...I couldnt believe I actually came to GTB to fall my hand like this. He then told me, Victoria, just hold on.

He removed N500 from my account, added N1000 to it and handed it over to me, still smiling. I was shocked!! (for where?? In my heart I was somersaulting and dancing). Acting surprised, I told him I didnt have that much in my account. He said I should accept it, it was his gift to me, that he was once an undergraduate not long ago...and I smiled and collected it.

That is how this broke "geh" was saved by the banker...and i made a new friend that day.
Bankers are not ALL bad...he is still my friend...almost 5years later...


1 comment:

Iya Roli said...

Hahahaha, sorry you had to go through that, but atleast you made a friend.