Friday, October 16, 2015


Let's remember how it all began, 
Change! Change!! Change!!!
 First it was an APC slogan, 
Till it became a national adage.  

We seemed to forget, 
That change is a personal mission, 
And everyone needs to get, 
A true and prevailing vision.  

From the rice and beans market sellers,
Who cheat unsuspecting customers,
By stacking measuring cups with papers,
The time for change is now!!!  

To the Nigerian students,
Who dupe their guardians and parents,
For imaginary fees and school rents,
The time for change is now!!

And to the civil servants,
Who refuse to push your file,
Until money changes hand,
The time for change is now!!

How about randy lazy lecturers,
Who abuse a students' rights,
For some cash and few marks,
The time for change is now!!

Not forgetting Officers and men,
Who through blackmail and threats,
Attack and maim Innocent citizens,
The time for change is now!!

To seemingly untouchable politicians, 
The Godfathers and Godsons, 
Who are yet so corrupt!!! 
The time for change is now!!! 

For the change we want, 
Create the change!! Be the change!! 
To the strong, weak, old, young, 
The time is now, the time for change!!!


This has been modified for my participation in the online for me*winks*...
Just click the link and like my comment.

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