Friday, November 13, 2015


- The 1883 volcanic eruption on krakatoa produced the loudest sound ever known. It reverberated around the globe 7 times before diminishing. It could be heard 4000miles away, and people within 100miles had permanent hearing loss.

- The Greek name for mosquito is "Anopheles", translating to "good-for-nothing".
* Loool...its good for something ooo....malaria.

- In 1976, a struggling princeton undergraduate wrote his junior term paper on how to make an atomic bomb, using information he gathered from physics textbooks and declassified documents.
He got an A in the class but never got his paper back because it was seized by the US government.
*loooooool....they should be more scared about what is in his head.

- While filming Rocky IV, Sylvester Stallone (Rambo) asked Dolph Lundgrento try to knock him out for real.
Lundgren hit him so hard he was sent to the hospital and was in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) for 9days!
* hahahahhaahahahah
I dont know why I find this sad event funny.

Culled from funfacts


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